
Friday, March 12, 2010

What quick and easy option can i use to raise my credit rating?

1. Ask a close friend or relative with good credit, particularly a good credit card ($5,000 or higher limit, open for at least a few years, never a missed payment) to add you as an authorized user. You then get the benefit of their good payment history and high credit limit as a plus on your credit report.

The person doing this favor for you doesn't have to take on any risk, a card will be printed in your name and sent to their address, but they are free to keep it in their possession or cut it in to pieces. No risk to them of taking it and spending their money, if they hold on to the card.

Word has it that Fair Issac is working on closing this loophole in the near future, however.

2. Look at your credit report closely for any inaccuracies and write letters, call, negotiate, beg, plead, pester, and annoy creditors and collection agencies to remove negative marks from your credit report.

What quick and easy option can i use to raise my credit rating?
I would say first to be honest as to why you want to raise your credit score. it takes awhile to get out of debt the correct that the right steps are taken to clear your credit.

there are a few ways but really there is no qucik fire solution to getting out of debt. Now rumor has it getting a credit card will instantly raise your credit. consumer reports and studies prove that this does nothing but the opposite of what your wanting. In fact most credit cards are scams they are out to get you into further debt.

first determine what you are needing from your credit score. I mean in all honesty no one just one day says i am tired of being in debt. so there must be some under lining reason ie buying a house, new car, some new toy or what you need to make it in life. So each one looks at your credit report differently. The market today for housing is very tough. if you are trying to raise your credit to either improve your chances on getting a loan to buy a house or if you own one already might be trying to improve on your exisiting property by getting a loan. Each one requires different things off your credit report and each type of loan looks at different things on your credit report.

my best advice to you is this first figure out what you need from your credit report. then learn what one does and how they are read so this way you know what to spend your time getting off your credit report. everyone thinks it so easy to erase things off your credit report. i have just now started to get mine cleaned up so i can buy a house for myself. the market is at the right place and if things go well will have enough money saved for down payment.

i went through a credited organization on credit counsiling to get help on figuring out the credit report thingie. all i know is this no matter what you take off if you owe any money to the state ie child support old school loans leans on cars or houses anything you must work to get them off first because no matter what your situation is that is the most damage to your credit. i also learned that anything over seven years can be taken off but there are steps that have to be taken and it does take time.

so if your looking for some quick fix out of a jam then just try to pay off your debts yourself. i mean contact the agencies yourself and set up a schuedule of payments that most fits your budget. i would say first figure out your budget and then see how much you can pay to one of the places you owe. in my consiling class they told us to try to pay the highest ones off first. sometimes this may take a year or more espeically if you are like most americans and just make enough to survive. so then you can say maybe pay 20 a month to one of your old credit cards.

medical things they dont really count. but like credit cards, business accounts if you ever had one or was involved in a home based business. i mean there are so many things that you need to know it would take me a month to tell you.

there is a simply way to get your free credit report without having to sign up for any services. the web site is free annual credit report . com. since the privacy and consumers act they have to allow you to access your credit report without paying any fees. if you have been turned down recently for any credit cards by law you can write the agencies that they tried to contact like equil fax and get your free report.

best wishes to you and good luck. i have been cleaning mine up now for a month and half and it is no where i need it be in order to get a house this year. so it will have to be next year depending on the market. the better your credit score the better your chances of getting what you need.

hope this helps

Reply:pull your credit report and fix anything is you owe on or that is collections. or get a credit card and pay on time for 3 months

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