Yes, engage first in credit repair to be sure everything on your reports is being reported correctly after the bankruptcy. Once you're on your way with that, then you need to start rebuilding your credit, slowly and carefull. Getting a secured card is probably the best place to start. NEVER be late, pay it off every month. Use it for 6 months and apply for ONE more card.
If you go to you will find lots of info on how to repair your credit after bankrutpcy and how to rebuild.
You DO NOT have to pay any of the creditors you included in your bankrutpcy and if anyone tells you that you have to, they are misinformed. You MAY pay back discharged debts, it is strictly voluntary but it won't help your scores any.
Is there a way to restore my credit rating after bankrupsy and debt problems without paying back money?
Once you have files bankruptcy you are cleared of all debts, unless someone (creditors) opposes to your bankruptcy also have a mark on your credit file at all credit bureau's..If you want to rebuild your credit the best thing to do is go to your bank, give a deposit of 500$ and get a secured credit card which you will pay in a timely manner..after 1 year the bank will give you back your deposit and that should help restore your credit.
Reply:Plenty of good advice here.
Reply:bankruptcy stays on your credit for i think 10 years now. used to be 7 years. but since a credit report is pulled by ur social security number, it wouldn't surprise me if it doesn't come off at all.
Reply:yes, you need to relocate yourself
Reply:well iam not sure though but i think its real hard but nothings impossible in this world
Reply:plenty of good advice here
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