The best way to improve your credit rating is to pay off all your credit cardsin full every month. Not only do you keep an A-1 rating, you avoid paying rediculously high interest rates that most credit card companies charge.
Does leaving a balance on your credit card affect your credit rating in a negative way?
A large part of your credit score is based on the ratio of credit card debt to available limit. Carrying balances of more than 30% hurts your score. Paying off credit card balances is the fastest way to boost your score.
It is also an urban legend that stringing out payments helps your score. Credit card companies don't report how much just whether you paid on time. Stringing out payments just costs you interest.
Reply:Nope as long as you are making the minimum payment as stated, you will not have a problem.
Reply:Provided you continue to pay the exhorbitant interest rates they charge, you are more than welcomed to carry a balance. That is where they generate their earnings , from people who over extend and cannot pay down at the end of every billing period. you are the ideal customer.
Reply:Not if you pay on time. Carrying a balance and paying on time actually will help your credit score. It shows that you can manage you debt responsibly. Just watch out for the high interest rates the credit card company will charge you. And don't make late payments or miss a payment.
Reply:I don't think so as long as you make the minimum monthly payment every month, and don't go over your credit limit.
Reply:If the balances is close to the credit limit, then yes. Try to stay 50% under credit limit.
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