
Sunday, March 14, 2010

Why do insurance companies go by credit rating to charge for insurance instead of driving history ?

because they are a bunch of blood sucking thieves


Why do insurance companies go by credit rating to charge for insurance instead of driving history ?
They consider many factors for your auto insurance rates. They use your credit history to find out your stability and you past payment history and studies have shown people with good credit or less likely to file claims or fraud. If you are frustrated with the quotes you are getting go to and get some quotes that are accurate without giving up your social security number.
Reply:It isn't that one is used instead of the other, both are actually in the list of factors that help drive your insurance rates. Also included in that list are age, gender, vehicle, place where the vehicle is kept when parked.

Unfortunately, throughout the years enough statistical data has been collected to correlate the likelihood of someone filing a claim and their credit history. People with lower credit scores are more likely to have accidents/file claims.

Also, know that just because you don't give your ss# does not mean that credit information isn't pulled--if it isn't given but it is used by the company you are getting a quote from in your state, the information is still obtainable through Experian and similar companies based on "credit address." Giving your social just guarantees more accurate information and allows the company to verify your identity on the back end, actually further protecting you.
Reply:they say by their statistics that people with good credit don't file as many claims as people with bad credit

i was an agent for 30 years, i say the more expensive the car and house, the more claims they will file and over the least little thing
Reply:Because if you have a history of delinquent payments, it doesn't matter if you're the best driver in the world. You're still not paying!
Reply:You should call the insurance company,and ask them why your rates went up 3 times


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