Have you downloaded your credit report? If not, do so. Go over all the information on it and make sure that any derrogatories are actually valid. I had one medical debt reported that wasn't valid. Initiating an investigation and having it removed inproved my credit score by 50 points. If you can't have them removed, submit an explaination. With something like a home loan, they will read them and take them into account.
If you have credit cards, pay them all off. Your score will be higher is you have alot of credit OPEN. Don't close the accounts, just pay them off and leave them alone. The more credit you have available and unused, the more reliable a borrower you appear.
Pay off any other outstanding loans you have (if possible). Student loans generally aren't considered. However, car loans, personal loans, etc might decrease your credit score.
It will take at least 3 months for anything to be changed on your credit report. If you have a $500 card and pay it off, it won't be reported until 2 months later. It would be worth it to sign up for a credit monitoring service if there are things you can improve. Any derrogatories can take 7 to 10 years to disappear from your report.
What can I do to improve my credit rating fast to get a better interest rate on my house loan?
There is no way to do this 'fast'. It's simply impossible. Derogetory items remain on your report or up to 10 years (for serious offenses) and only time will make them go away. However, you can improve your credit by reducing the number of revolving credit accounts you have, paying all bills in a timely manner (and more than the 'minimum payment'), and otherwise demonstrating responsible credit behavior.
Reply:Nothing fast. Only negatives get on your credit score fast. Suggestions to make it quicker though are: Before applying for financing do NOT apply for another loan within six months of the application. DO NOT apply for any other loan at all if you can. Each time they do a credit check, it is a small mark on your credit. If you apply too often in a short amount of time they get suspicious if you have 100 credit cards in action and wonder if you can pay the mortgage payment with access to all that credit.
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