A friend said that since credit bureau use your Social Security number to report people that I could eliminate my bad credit by getting a new social security number. Is that true? Is that legal?
I have bad credit and someone told me I can erase my credit rating by getting a new Social Security number?
That is not true. You can get in trouble for fraud. The best thing to do is file bankruptcy or just pay them off little by little.
Reply:I've already researched. SSA only issues new SSN's in extreme circumstances. Read their website about it.
Reply:I really don't know. All I do know is you have ONE Social Security Number,so I would have to guess that if you did somehow change your Social Security Number,then it would be illegal. But, this is just a guess,I really don't see how it would be legal tho.
Reply:the name of this game is fraud. You can go to jail !
If it is to good to be true it is.
Check it out on David Ramsey web site and see what he says!
Reply:Unless you're in Witness Protection or have an AWESOME reason, the govt. will not issue you a new SS#.
Reply:Your friend is correct. Since credit history is reported based on a persons Social Security number, the simple answer is yes. New number equals new history.
However, legally getting a new social security number is very hard to do. The only ways I am aware of are through witness protection and under extreme abuse in which creating an new identity is the only way to protect oneself, such as spousal abuse (this of course has to be documented).
Changing your Social Security number for the reason of getting out of debt or to create a new credit history is illegal, and considered fraud.
Reply:Forget about it, period. What you're asking for is trouble for commission of fraud, and that whole thing is illegal. Just deal with the bad credit problem by paying off whatever you owe the balance of the delinquent bill. Declaring bankruptcy will be the only other option you could go for. I'm sure your credit will improve over time. Think twice before doing something stupid that will throw you in jail and/or paying a huge fine.
Reply:Yeah...you can't just 'get a new social security number'...that's like saying "why doesn't our government just default on the national debt and re-form as a new country. If there isn't a system where people can be held accountable for action, all economic laws go default and the whole 'money system' would disappear.
Reply:Bad credit is one of the worst problems to have... however there exists a solution.
I will hereby talk from my personal experience.
I did debt consolidation a couple of years ago, however If I had to do it again I would pay to some minor details,
if someone wants to get out of debt today it is pretty easy with a debt consolidation plan, however it may get a bit tricky at times, I suggest you get as much information as possible online on this first,
a good place to start in my humble opinion is astraight to the point ebook with question and answer I found :
if it helps kindly remember me in your voting!.. cheers!
Reply:I dont think that would work..when you pull your credit reports it has associations with all your previous addresses and alias's (like your name before marriage if your female %26amp; such) and i would think that even if you got a new ss number it would still associate you with the old one as well as the new one b/c when you went into the ss office you would have to show id as to who you are a give good reason for a whole new number instead of just getting a new card with the old number and even though they may give you an old number im sure it would have association with the old number especially on credit reports...besides the fact that this may be a huge fraud case and get you into alot of trouble...if things are so bad and you have very large amounts of debt i'd research bankruptcy instead....
Reply:No, that is highly illegal and is considered fraud. I've also heard of people applying for Tax ID #s (by using their SSN), and then trying to use that in order establish a 'fresh start' with their credit. Also a bad idea.
We live in an instatnt society - microwaves, emails, IMs, etc. and we never want to wait for things anymore. I'm sure your credit problems didn't appear overnight. They won't disappear overnight either. Take your time and fix it the legal way. You'll be glad you did!
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